Construction sites are one of the topmost workplaces that are vulnerable to many types of problems that can quickly escalate into an emergency. When that happens, will your vehicle patrol guards on your construction site be prepared to restore order? Well, in order to do that, all they will need is an emergency response plan. Every vehicle patrol guard on-site with its help can not only ensure the protection of life but also the preservation of property & environment.

The real question is, how do they do it? For you to be aware of that, we’ve jotted down a brief checklist every vehicle patrol guard on a construction site follows.

Construction Site Emergency Response Plan Checklist:

  • Report The Emergency

Every vehicle patrol guard in case of an emergency is required to first of all report it to the manager of their security guard company using the guard mobile app. The report includes the type of emergency to help the manager understand the gravity of the situation & to take better actions for incident stabilization. The same guard mobile app can be used to notify other security guards logged in on the site, of the situation that has arisen.

  • Access The Situation

Depending on the type of an emergency on the construction site, the vehicle patrol guard is required to access the situation. This helps him/her answer important questions such as:

  • Whether an emergency exists?
  • What can go wrong?
  • What will be the possible consequences?
  • What type of strategy will be used to deal with the consequences?
  • Activate The Emergency Plan

Accessing the situation further leads to another important question: whether activation of the emergency procedures is required or not? In order to do that, there should be a written emergency plan as per the OSHA standards. This is where your company plays a vital role in ensuring it.

Even when not everyone is required to establish an emergency response plan, putting one together is a good way to protect workers & business during an emergency. It should describe how a guard should respond to different types of emergencies, taking into account the construction site specifics.

  • Alert The Workers On-Site

For every emergency response plan to be successful, it should include an effective way to alert the workers on-site. One of the most accepted ways to do that is by ringing the alarm. It should be distinctive enough to be easily recognized by the workers as a signal to evacuate the work area or assemble at a designated area.

  • Take Control Of The Situation

Upon activating the emergency response plan, every vehicle patrol guard of a security guard company is trained to take complete control of the situation. The main part of this step of the plan is to alert the emergency services and explain to them the current situation.

A vehicle patrol guard can further take charge and get all workers away from immediate danger. He/she can delegate tasks for controlling the emergency. Taking this step can help maintain order & prevent panic among the workers.

  • Provide Protection

The next important step of the emergency response plan for a vehicle patrol guard is to eliminate any further losses and safeguard the area. Depending on the type of emergency, various steps can be taken for incident stabilization. For instance, a vehicle patrol guard should shut down the energy source if that’s causing the emergency.

Since it’s a construction site, the vehicle patrol guard also must protect the equipment, materials, and accident scene from continuing damage. Until law enforcement arrives, the accident scene should be preserved. Only what’s essential to maintain life or prevent further losses should be disturbed.


Conduct An Evacuation

A vehicle patrol guard is designated to assist workers in an emergency evacuation. In such scenarios, it is often their topmost priority. The vehicle patrol guard being fully aware of all the emergency exits can easily navigate the workers to the safest location through the closest exit. If the workers cannot be moved from the current location, they are also well aware & trained for such situations to decrease vulnerability to ensure everyone’s safety.

In addition to that, it is also the job of a vehicle patrol guard to ensure that routes for emergency vehicle & path for emergency responder access are clear.

Guide Emergency Services

After the emergency security services are notified, they are in a moment of a few minutes will be there to deal with the situation. When they do, a vehicle patrol guard should not only keep them updated on the situation but also coordinate with them efficiently. In such scenarios, it’s equally crucial for a vehicle patrol guard to coordinate with his/her manager of the security guard company.

Are your vehicle patrol guards prepared to handle any emergency on your construction site? Hire Plaza Protection vehicle patrol services in the San Francisco Bay Area to rest assured every emergency procedure will be executed to reduce any losses efficiently & effectively.