Nowadays, construction sites are one of the most vandalized and burglarized sites. Isn’t that true? Well, that’s why they need to have a competent and effective security strategy in place. And to do just that, there is no better way than deploying uniformed security guards on construction sites.

Since every one of them is pretty unique in itself, we at Plaza Protection provide dedicated uniformed security services in Bay Area that are customized to accommodate site-specific needs of our clients. But why you need them apart from the common security threats they & a  security guard company can protect you from, let’s take a quick look at the reasons.

1. Deter Theft & Vandalism:

Construction sites are laced with a lot of expensive equipment and materials on site which makes it so tempting for professional & amateur criminals. Which is why having uniformed security guards on-site can significantly reduce the cost associated with theft & damage. As the firms can’t afford to keep replacing the items targeted by the thieves.

At night, in the dark, when criminals are active, having uniformed security guards patrol and maintain watch over site equipment or materials can help stop theft and vandalism while they are occurring. Any such incident can immediately be reported to the management or law enforcement can be called in extreme situations.

Security Guards

2. Controlled Visitors Access:

Management of personnel is one of the greatest challenges any construction site can face. Correct, isn’t it? And not having control over it can lead to theft & vandalism on-site. To secure both entrances and exits as well as to put a halt to unauthorized visits, our uniformed security guards are equipped with visitor management software on their guard mobile app.

This software seamlessly allows them to register the particulars of the visitor as well as the vehicle entering & exiting the construction site. All the data is chronologically organized and stored in a secure & private database to maintain data confidentiality. In times of emergency, the same details can be used to determine the presence & location of the person to ensure their safety.

3. Constant Foot & Vehicle Patrol:

Sometimes just having a few uniformed security guards keeping an eye on a construction site can be more than enough for deterring thieves. But, what’s even better is having them constantly patrol the site on foot or in a vehicle to ensure the valuable construction equipment and materials are always being well protected.  

To make sure they are always on the move, all our guard’s activities are tracked through a time clock and a highly accurate GPS tracking system. NFC tags and QR codes further add advantage making sure no spot on the site is ever missed. And the messenger application allows them to remain in contact with their manager & other guards on-site for regular updates.

4. Detailed Reporting:

One of the greatest advantages of hiring uniformed security guards is their ability to report about the occurring incidents as well as anything unusual observed on the post-site. Our uniformed security guards are equipped with a guard mobile app that allows them to write, and submit reports to notify the management as well as the client in real-time.

In fact, customized reports can be created to include material watch logs, truck logs, equipment movement logs, and more. To these reports, the guard mobile app also allows attaching photos, videos, and audio files for better clarity. Initially, all this information may not seem important, but can certainly prove helpful while reconsidering a past incident later on.

Will you now consider hiring uniformed security services in Bay Area for your construction site?