Parking lot safety tips, do you really need them?  Isn’t that what you’re wondering?

Well, it is hardly considered a dangerous but scary place, as if right out of a horror movie. We all have been there, haven’t we?

But the truth is, those situations can escalate quite quickly. Even a safe-looking parking lot can be vulnerable to numerous risks. To ensure the safety of a parking lot and its visitors is your responsibility, so yes you need smart parking lot safety tips.

And, they are as followed:

1. High-Resolution CCTV Cameras:

One of the most common parking lot safety tips you’ll always get to hear from professionals is to install high-resolution surveillance cameras. Because today it is that one significant security measure that can be used to enhance parking lot safety despite being a little costly.

In real-time, security guards or the police can be notified of the incident instantly. And the footage captured can be used as a piece of evidence in case of theft or burglary. All you need to ensure is that when they are being installed, they are placed in such a manner that there is no blind spot. That way sometimes having a camera alone can be enough to discourage criminal activity.

2. Security Guards Always On Patrol:

One of the parking lot safety tips that can never ever go wrong is hiring a professional security guard company to deal with common security threats. At Plaza Protection, we have exceptionally skilled and experienced uniformed security guards trained & equipped with a guard mobile app to instantly upgrade the safety of your parking lot.

Depending on the requirement, we offer random or dedicated security patrols both on foot and vehicle. While performing them:

  • Our security guards are trained to report everything in real-time using the guard mobile app.
  • And well, those reports can be accessed by you through a secure client portal.
  • In fact, with us, you can co-manage everything in real-time if you desire.

Plaza Protection

3. Highly Effective Lighting Fixtures:

Do you know what is one of the most important factors of all that acts as a deterrent to crime in a parking facility? Lighting! The simple reason behind this is a fact that criminals are more likely to strike when there is no proper illumination in a parking lot, then be it during day or night. To eliminate it:

  • Begin with identifying the places that aren’t properly lighted.
  • Once that’s done, at regular intervals, install lighting fixtures that are reliable and easy to maintain.
  • Make sure conducting maintenance inspections are made mandatory.
  • In addition to that, paint the walls of the parking lot with different colors that can reflect natural & artificial light.

4. Limited Access To Visitors:

Investing in an automatic access system for a parking lot is one of the smartest moves one can make. After all, not only are they designed to fully control the vehicles entering or exiting the parking area but also to ensure a high level of security to the people inside the place against any kind of threat.

If this sounds like an expensive affair, Plaza Protection offers uniformed security guards equipped with state-of-the-art technology capable of keeping a record of both vehicles &  people entering and exiting the place. With it you will not even require a booth, reason being:

  • Using a guard mobile app, security guards on the go can effortlessly record the details & click photographs.
  • All that information is stored in a secure database that cannot be duplicated or compromised.
  • In times of emergencies, the same information can be used to ensure everyone’s safety.

What steps are you going to take to keep your parking lot safe?