Securing a residential community is a big challenge. Despite that, it is also an essential prerequisite for a safe and peaceful life in cities. With the rise in theft and vandalism among various security threats, the need for residential security patrol services has seen an exponential rise. But, the traditional approach of using only private security guards or technology has proven itself ineffective.

That’s because residential communities are highly demanding when it comes to ensuring an outstanding security. Which is why building a security-conscious residential community will require both private security guards & highly effective technology to work hand in hand as we at Plaza Protection do.

1. Evaluate Site Security

Building a good security plan for a security-conscious residential community begins with evaluating the current security vulnerabilities and assessing the vicinity. Hiring professionals to do it is highly recommended. They will help you identify critical aspects which can be thought of as a target of attack.

They’ll, in fact, help you provide remedial measures, and ways to use community resources to your best abilities. Starting with this information, you can assess the security needs of your residential community. Doing so will also let you define your ultimate goals, objectives, and tasks for security workforce.

2. Set-Up A Community Watch

One of the best ways to improve the security of a residential community is to get everyone involved in the process. And there is no better way of doing that than by establishing a community watch. The residents can be encouraged to join and be the eyes and ears. They can be educated to do various things, such as:

  • Observe & report suspicious behavior & activities immediately.
  • Work with the private security guards & even law enforcement officers.
  • Inform other residents in the community about criminal activities, etc.

3. Hire Remote Guard Services

Today, combining on-site private security guards with remote monitoring has become the best way to strengthen the security of residential communities. Reason being it allows you to get full command and control on every activity taking place on your property.

  • From scheduling private security guards, monitoring their every movement on-site to receiving reports live, Plaza Protection ensures our clients get full control of the Live Dashboard to co-manage everything with us.
  • The mobile patrol app, our private security guards are equipped with, helps them to do more than just communicate in real-time.

As for the residents to be able to relax and feel safe in their homes you should ensure the private security guards are trained to interact with residents and visitors in a positive & professional manner and not just mitigate security threats.

Click here to know the responsibilities of guards on apartment security patrol!

4. Develop A Site-Specific Security Plan

Since every residential community is unique, the security plan to secure it should also be unique. It must actually fit your actual needs. For that, an integration of varied approaches to solving security problems has become mandatory. Which is why creating a layered approach making use of both the private security guards and the technology is enhancing residential security.

The layers of this approach are as follows:

  • Outermost layer – The area surrounding the residence.
  • Second layer – The residence property line.
  • Third layer – The outer perimeter of the ground.
  • Fourth layer – The actual building structure.
  • Fifth layer –  Inside the building structure.

5. Secure Car Parking Lots

Due to easier accessibility, car parking lots are considered as one of the most dangerous spots on any property. Leaving them unguarded is like an open invitation for criminals to commit crimes like mugging, vehicle break-ins, vandalism, etc.

  • Therefore, ensuring proper fencing, lighting, installing security cameras, and hiring dedicated private security guards can prevent residents from becoming a victim of car parking lot crime.

To further enhance the security of the residential community parking lot, private security guards can be equipped with a mobile visitor management system. It can help gather the details of the vehicles entering or exiting the lot while helping restrict unwanted vehicles on-site.


 6. Create Procedures For Visitors

Residential communities have a constant flow of visitors. Which is why to further enhance the security, you should look for security patrol services that equip their private security guards with a mobile visitor management system. Apart from registering vehicle details, it can create detailed logs and profiles of visitors entering and exiting the residential premises.

Unlike a visitor book that anyone can go through, the data registered on a visitor management system is stored in a secure database. Thus, allowing only the authorized person to access it if required. While in times of an emergency evacuation, it can help track those visitors to enhance emergency response.

7. Enable Quick Response Support

Residents should have easy access to every emergency number and especially that of the security patrol service’s dispatch center. Reason being the moment any resident spots suspicious activity or a problem, he or she can immediately notify the dispatcher. The dispatcher can assign a private security guard to take control of the situation instantly.

Hence, while hiring security patrol services for your residential community ensure their patrol tour system is advanced enough. That will allow the dispatcher to:

  • Handle multiple emergency calls coming in from the residents.
  • Provide quick & flexible response.
  • Stay connected on ground zero to get live status from the guard on-site.
  • Inform the local law enforcement of the current situation and call for help.

How are you planning to create a security-conscious residential community?
To hire Plaza Protection’s top-notch security patrol services you can contact us today.