Active fire watch services are often misunderstood and, therefore, considered among one of the most under-appreciated fire prevention techniques. But truth be told, it’s one of the most simple ways of ensuring the safety of property only if organized by fire watch guards of a professional security guard company.

Active fire watch services often include continuous patrolling of all the areas of the building affected by the impairment. Fire watch guards thoroughly look for signs of smoke, fire, or any other abnormal conditions. On discovering a life-threatening situation, they are trained to immediately contact emergency personnel, alert the occupants of the emergency, and assist in the evacuation.

However, the real question still remains. In what circumstances are active fire watch services required? So, here’s a brief list of it that you should be aware of.

Inoperative Alarm System & Fire Sprinklers

A property with an inoperative alarm system & fire sprinklers or that’s being repaired or replaced requires active fire watch services on the premises until they are fully functional again.

Power Loss Or Water Supply Shutdown

Properties relying on fire sprinklers can lose their effectiveness due to the water supply shutdown. Planned or unplanned power loss further adds to the problem that requires dedicated fire watch guards to protect everyone on-site until the services are fully restored.

Presence Of Toxic Or Flammable Materials

The presence of toxic or flammable material drastically increases the chance of fire. Having active fire watch guards trained in fire prevention can minimize the damage in such circumstances.

Hot Work

Work involving burning, welding, or a similar operation that is capable of initiating fires or explosions on-sites must have active fire watch services and this compliance as per NFPA is not optional.

During Construction Or Demolition Of A Building

Construction & demolition sites are prone to numerous fire hazards which is why a lot of state governments require active fire watch guards on-site continuously until their completion.

No matter what the situation, the fire department must be notified immediately of an incident on-site by fire watch guards, in addition to documenting the patrolling and maintaining a record of fire watch for inspection later.

Plaza Protection Active Fire Watch Services

Plaza Protection offers customized, round-the-clock active fire watch services on a minimum 3 months contract to protect your property and personnel effortlessly. With our expertly trained fire watch guards, you can rest assured that you’re in full compliance with the law – and safe. For more information, visit us at or contact us today.