Whether a business or a residence needs the protection of security guards hired from a reputable security guard company is dependent on the unique security threats they often have to face. Initially, identifying them can be tough and tougher to find the right solution to deal with them.

So, here in this post discover the most common security threats and how a security guard company can protect you from them. They are as follows:

1. Burglary & Break-Ins:

Not all businesses are immune to burglary or break-ins. It’s the reason why your business needs active security guard services by a competent security guard company dependent on a reliable security guard system to meet your requirements. Most of the time enhanced security guards visibility acts as an effective deterrent to crime.  But, in case of residential buildings, Plaza Protection’s technology allows restricting the access by keeping a digital visitor log to eliminate such threats.

2. Menacing Vandalism:

Willful damage or defacement of property belonging to another person or public often seems like a harmless act in comparison to other criminal offenses. But truth be told, the loss of value caused due to it is as costly as other property crimes. Having security guards from a reliable security guard company on dedicated patrols on the premises 24/7 can surely help curb such incidents immediately. Plaza Protection, though also provide random security guard patrols to meet your different needs.

3. Different Acts Of Theft:

Theft can occur anywhere, and anytime in all areas of business, correct isn’t it? Though in general, it is associated with shoplifting or the theft of other business merchandises. But is that all? Of course not! Thefts of different kinds can also affect the customers & the property itself. For such scenarios, Plaza Protection offers the best casual security services in Bay Area to not just secure the premises & the customers but also to reflect the feeling of comfort one desires.

Security Guards

4. Violence & Assaults :

One of the reasons why you should hire a security guard company is to effectively deal with violent & assault situations as they can be tricky to handle. Then be it at a workplace, shopping mall, club, or residential apartment building, they require highly professional & responsive security guards capable of identifying the threats & taking appropriate actions instantly. While trying to do so, our guards can even take pictures, create videos, or record audio files to be shared with the managers & the clients without any delay.

5. Widespread Terrorism :

The act of terrorism due to its widespread nature is one of the most easily identifiable security threat. However, unlike any other threat it is much harder to combat it on a smaller scale. Despite that, security guards of every security guard company out there can play a crucial role in its prevention by putting a little extra effort of staying aware of people & their behavior around them. Anything suspicious can instantly be reported to the manager through a mobile patrol app in real-time that all our guards are equipped with.

6. Repeated Loitering:

Loitering as a security threat may not sound right, but when done repeatedly it becomes a dangerous one not just to the business but also to the society. Which is why business owners have been hiring security services in Bay Area to deal with repeat loiters. Plaza protection’s uniformed security guards are specifically trained to effectively handle such situations by staying prepared, calm, and professional to handle escalations responsibly.

What security threats are your business dealing with that our security guard company can help you protect from? Do comment below to let us know.