It is no secret that hospital security guards are essential in executing an organization’s safety plan. Healthcare facilities with an open-door policy, make them more susceptible than most other public places for intrusion, robberies, and violence. While the surveillance systems alone aren’t enough for the situation that might require immediate human intervention. In addition to that, every healthcare facility worldwide is dealing with a new challenge – COVID-19 pandemic. And the hospital security guards on the sidelines are playing an important part to keep the facility secure.

Here’s how hiring security guards are effectively securing healthcare facilities:

Spread Awareness

Amid COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals can consider utilizing their hospital security guards as an extension of hospital staff. Fully trained & equipped to handle such scenarios, they can play an active part in communicating hospital security procedures and sharing COVID-19 prevention awareness tips.

Patrol The Facility

COVID-10 pandemic has led to a drastic increase in the patient & visitor volume. In such a situation, the hospital security guards from a reliable security guard company can patrol the facility to not only provide protection but also to verify that had sanitizer stations are full & functioning while ensuring that maintenance staff is aware of any potential cleanliness issues.

Enforce The Pandemic Plan

COVID-19 pandemic took the world by the storm, paralyzing businesses without a pandemic plan. If your hospital does not have a pandemic plan in place yet, consider working with a security guard company and their trained hospital security guards to establish & enforce a custom security program that aligns with the overall goals of the organization.

Assist Visitors

The role of hospital security guards has changed now – not only how they work in proximity to others but also with much more emphasis on being another facet of the care team. In addition to assisting with crowd control & restricting access to certain areas, they can direct the visitors to appropriate registration areas, COVID-19 testing areas, hand sanitizer stations, as well as restrooms.

Communicate Effectively

At Plaza Protection, we ensure our hospital security guards are equipped with cutting-edge technology to do their job that enables them to report the incident immediately. But with the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s crucial they are able to communicate with people effectively too in addition to knowing how to follow protocols and to follow the specifications of the job.

Identify Threats

Open door policy often makes hospitals common targets for vandalism, robberies, etc. But with the COVID-19 pandemic, the hospital staff is subject to threats & assaults from criminals, visitors, and even patients more than ever. Hence, dedicated hospital security guards can immediately identify suspicious behavior and stop such acts from occurring.

Respond To Emergencies

An emergency situation is a serious concern that requires immediate action. Having hospital security guards on-site can quickly and effectively address things. Moreover, they can alert as well as work with the local police and emergency response teams in pandemic plans to contain the outbreak & close down specific areas if required.

Control Access

Since hospitals are open to all visitors, it increases the danger of people accessing sensitive areas. The hospital security guards can check the IDs to let only authorized personnel pass. In fact, if deployed at the entrance of the facility, they can use thermometers to test people’s temperature in addition to using technology to perform their duties.

Since pandemic developments are evolving drastically, the training for hospital security guards has also evolved. It became an integral part of the pandemic plan to offer security guard services that further adds value to the services provided by healthcare facilities. If you are looking for reliable hospital security guard services in the Bay Area, contact Plaza Protection. We are here to help.