Deciding the number of security patrol guards you need is quite dependent on numerous factors while hiring private security services for your business. Not being aware of them is absolutely okay. Not everyone is. Which is why here’s your chance to know all about them right here, right now.

1. What Type Is Your Business?

Taking the type of business you own into consideration is one of the most important aspects of deciding the number of security patrol guards you will need. Higher the risks, the more the volume of visitors, or the area to be covered, greater will be the requirements of security guard services and thus the number of security patrol guards.

2. What Is The Size Of Your Business?

How many people are you looking forward to protecting on the premises is another factor to consider while deciding the number of security patrol guards. But, is that all? Of course not. The number of security patrol guards you’ll need is also quite dependent on the building itself along with the size of the location, and the number of entrances and exits.

  • Plan on having at least one guard per entrance during the peak hours for your business and more that one depending on the above-mentioned factors.

3. What Are Your Reasons For Security?

Take a moment to think, to reason why your business needs security guard services. And that will help you automatically determine the number of security patrol guards you will need. For instance, a construction site experiencing theft and vandalism will obviously need more security that’s remotely managed using a patrol management system in comparison to a single apartment complex.

4. What Type Of Security Is Needed?

There are numerous types of security guard services that you can hire to ensure the safety of your business. Depending on that, the decision of hiring a particular number of security patrol guards can be taken. We at Plaza Protection offer 3 main types of dedicated security guard services for you to choose from depending on your requirements. They are as followed:

  • Uniformed security guards
  • Casual security guards
  • Black suit security guards

5. What Kind Of Coverage Is Required?

Along with the other factors in play, the amount of security coverage you’ll require for your business is equally critical. Which is why as per your requirements, space, & function you will need to consider how many security patrol guards will be required and if they will be supervised using a patrol management system to provide better services or not.

6. What Security Guard Ratio Is Needed?

The first and the most important rule of getting the security guard ratio right is by planning to have at least one guard per 50 people. Eventually, it can be helpful in determining the security needs of your business too. For instance, a construction site with around 150 employees and 2 entrances will need 3 security patrol guards, one per entrance and 1 guard to patrol inside.

So, how many security patrol guards does your business need? Still can’t figure out? Contact us to know and hire the professional security patrol guards on-demand.