Holding your security patrol company accountable for the on-site patrol may not be as simple as it sounds. And, as a security patrol company managing all its security operations without a patrol management system can turn into a nightmare. So, while hiring private security services for your business make sure they are using a patrol management system. It is what will help you hold them accountable for the work they do on your site.

But the question, how that can be done still remains unanswered.

Well, the security guard client portal is the key.

Everything You Need To Know About Security Guard Client Portal

The security guard client portal is one of the greatest features a patrol management system can have to streamline report sharing & multiple user management. The one incorporated within the patrol management system that Plaza Protection uses is specifically designed to give access to all the critical information of specific site tours to the clients, anytime & from anywhere they prefer. All they need is username & password, and that’s it.

Along with on the go access, there are numerous things it has to offer the clients, and they are as follows:

  • Secure log into multiple devices at once.
  • Access to completely organized data.
  • Access to call logs along with the reports.
  • Guards’ shareable GPS tracking history.
  • A full view of the post site from a single point.
  • And much more.

How A Security Guard Client Portal Can Help You?

A security guard client portal isn’t just to help you gain access to the reports shared by the security guard from the post site. It is the perfect way to hold your security patrol company accountable for the work done on your post-site. How? Let’s take a look.

1. Reliable Communication

One of the main jobs of a security guard client portal incorporated within a patrol management system is to provide reliable & transparent communication between the security patrol company and the client. Having access to it, the client no longer needs to ask the security patrol company information regarding the site tours conducted.

You don’t need to have face-to-face meetings to discuss the very same information easily made available on the security guard client portal. Keeping the communication real can help the security patrol company stay accountable.

2. Improved Productivity

The security guard client portal is mainly dependent on the reports sent by the guards from post-sites of clients in real-time. And you, having unlimited access to it from anywhere in the world automatically changes the dynamics of the way guards and the security patrol company works.

Meaning which they will have to execute every security patrol with greater efficiency. Thus, resulting in greater productivity and improved security patrol company’s accountability.

3. High Data Security

Data security for long has been one of the most critical aspects not only for the clients but also the security patrol companies. But times have changed, and technology has too. The security guard client portal incorporated within the patrol management system of Plaza Protection offers a secure experience to the clients.

Special measures have been taken into consideration to ensure the integrity of the data made available on it from our end. It can only be accessed using a username and password to eliminate unauthorized access.

Security Guard Services

4. Data-Driven Decisions

Apart from keeping everyone safe, the second most important job of a security guard is to record incidents and activities on a variety of report formats. Thus, making guard tour reports the most valuable source of information to track every step taken to provide excellent security guard services.

Having access to it, you can go through the reports thoroughly to ensure the right decisions based on relevant information were taken. If not, the security patrol company can be held accountable for the wrongdoings, and steps can be taken to provide better services.

5.  Conveniently Time-Saving

One of the main benefits of having access to a security guard client portal is that you can say goodbye to long meetings & follow-up emails forever. No longer do you need to ask your security patrol company to share guard tour reports with you.

The security guard client portal automates the process of sharing guard tour reports with the clients in real-time. Thus, making the security patrol company automatically accountable. Not only will that save your time but also give you peace of mind.

A security guard client portal is the ultimate piece of technology for the clients to ensure they receive the desired security patrol services in the 21st century. Don’t you think?