Every security patrol guard is expected to always be ready to identify and respond to security threats immediately. In order to do that, they must always remain alert, because the consequence of that can lead to a disaster. They must always remain alert also to carry out their assigned duties on client sites effectively. But how can you as a client figure out if they are working as you would have wanted them to on your post site or not?

Thankfully, there are a number of ways that provide in-depth insight into the performance of every security patrol guard site. You can: 

View Their Check-In/Out On Time

Begin with finding out if the security patrol guards assigned on your post-sites are checking-in on time. To do that, you do not need to be physically present on-site when they are supposed to check-in. Since, every Plaza Protection security patrol guard uses a patrol mobile app to check-in & out, it automatically updates the timesheets. All that information is easily made available to the client reporting portal for you to view.

Track Your Security Patrol Guards Live

The greatest benefit of hiring a security guard company with advanced technology is that all on-field movements of every security patrol guard can be tracked effortlessly. The GPS tracker enables the managers to always know where the security patrol guards are and if they are working. As a client, you can also view it in real-time and even have access to past history through the secure client portal access.

Read The Reports Shared Thoroughly

Reporting is one of the most regularly carried out functions by every security patrol guard of a reliable security guard company. Only if they are active and alert on-site, can they provide detailed reports. Therefore, nothing works better than going through guard tour reports with multimedia files attached to ensure security patrol guards are performing their assigned duties. To be thorough, check for location, patrol times, unusual behavior, how security patrol guards responded, etc.

Go Through The List Of Post Orders

Every security guard company provides a detailed list of post orders and additional tasks to all their security patrol guards on client sites. This list outlines each security patrol guard’s duties and actions during the shift. This list also includes a number of things you might have asked the company to take care of on your post site. Having access to it, you can easily find out through regular reports are all those duties and tasks are being carried out effectively.

Look For Signs Of Sleeping On-Site

Sleeping on client post sites is one of the most common security patrol guard negligence. Not only does this kind of behavior lead to lack of productivity and unprofessional appearance, but it also delays the response time to different types of security threats. Therefore, look common signs of security patrol guards sleeping on your post site such as:

  • Missed site tour patrols
  • Long delays between patrols
  • Lights turned down in the security area
  • Shirt or jacket rolled up to for a pillow

Ensure Guided Site Tours Are Conducted

Every security patrol guard of a reliable security guard company on a guided site tour is required to be always on the move. Every security checkpoint they cover, they need to scan NFC tags or QR codes. If a security checkpoint is missed, managers are immediately notified of it. Along with that, GPS tracked site tours further makes tracking guards for the clients on their post sites much easier. This provides an effective way to keep a check on every security patrol guard.

Conduct Regular Field Inspections

There is no doubt about the fact that you can observe every security patrol guard on-site and keep a check on them. But you might not always have the time to do that or the understanding required to catch the problematic behaviors. Which is why it is best if the task is left to the trained eyes of field supervisors. 

Therefore, ensure you hire a security guard company that conducts regular but unscheduled field inspections to ensure guards are doing their assigned duties and report their findings in great detail.

Field inspections will determine:

  • Whether your security patrol guard is awake & alert.
  • Whether site tour patrols are being conducted consistently.
  • How security patrol guards respond to challenges on the job.

Stop By Unannounced To Briefly Chat

To determine whether your security patrol guards are always on task, or merely when you are on-site, stop by earlier than usual. This will allow you to catch your security patrol guards off guard. Also, if possible chat briefly with the security patrol guard about the shift. Ask him when was the last time he went on a patrol, when is the next patrol, what has he observed lately on-site if the hourly reports are being submitted on time, etc. This will help immediately clear all your doubts if they have been shaking their duties. 

How do you like to keep an eye on the security patrol guards working on your post-sites? Do comment below to share with us.