Every powerful guard tour patrol system comes with a powerful  security guard dispatcher. The reason being, it allows the dispatchers to address urgent situations with unmatched precision & efficiency to provide visibility & accountability. Well, not only is it created to do that, but also improve the incident response time significantly to manage high client expectations seamlessly.

But the real question is, how can a security guard dispatcher of a powerful guard tour patrol system help us do that? How can it be used to minimize incident response time at your post site? Let’s take a look at it without much ado.

Easy Dispatch Ticket Creation

A security guard dispatcher is an integral part of the guard tour patrol system which is designed to help dispatchers create dispatch tickets with detailed information while on the call with you, your customers, or the residents in real-time. As that’s done, the dispatchers can simultaneously assign multiple dispatch tickets to multiple security guards quickly. Any delay in such scenarios is immediately notified to ensure the situations are addressed efficiently & incident response time minimized.

Manage Multiple Calls Live

The guard tour patrol system that Plaza Protection makes the most out of offers our dispatchers the ability to multitask. Not only can they manage multiple calls coming in from multiple sources all at once, but also register & assign multiple security guards to the dispatch ticket as stated before. All the information that’s registered by them is automatically stored & organized for future reference. This makes it easier to share accurate dispatch information with the entire team & also the client whenever required.

Real-Time Map Integration

Right after the security guards assigned to a dispatch ticket copies it, the dispatcher can get their live status right from the client site. How? The security guard tracking feature combined with the live map integration in the dispatch ticket allows the dispatcher to clearly view the security guard’s location on the map. He is further notified in real-time if the security guards are on their way or have arrived at the post-site. This feature not only reduces the incident response time but also is great for responding to emergencies with greater efficiency.


Live Updates In Tickets

One of the most interesting features included in the guard tour system of the Plaza Protection is the live updates that are made available in the dispatch ticket itself. It allows the dispatchers as well as the security guards to converse in real-time, share details, and multimedia files to take the necessary action. Another great benefit that it has to offer is that dispatchers can get all the information in one place. This reduces the time taken to retrieve the data and further the incident response time.

Accessible Live On-Site Data

It is often due to the lack of live on-site data that becomes the reason for the delay in incident response. Which is why it is more than crucial to know the exact details of the incident in real-time to ensure the right security guard with the right skills is assigned to the right place and at the right time. Once that’s done, the dispatchers can stay connected with the guard to get the live status of the post site. Using GPS tracking, he can track the guard’s every movement. He can view live updates and go through multimedia files sent by the security guard from the post site.

A  security guard dispatcher of a powerful guard tour patrol system is capable of helping to minimize incident response time significantly, so the safety of the people on your post-site can be ensured seamlessly. Stay tuned for more such blog posts!