Evaluating private security guard’s performance on a security patrol is a tedious task not only for clients but also for the security guard companies. But if you are a kind of a client on the mission to drastically improve security guard services on your post-sites, it is essential to perform these evaluations. If you don’t know where to begin, it can get complicated. Therefore, just for you, we have jotted down the most important parameters that can be taken into consideration while evaluating the performance of private security guards on a security patrol.

The best part about this list is that it’s effective and is also used by the security guard companies to evaluate their private security guards, hence, highly practical. So, without much ado, let’s take a look at what these parameters are.

1. Appearance

Properly dressed & equipped private security guards can effortlessly send a powerful message from afar. Correct, isn’t it? Which is why their uniform is also considered as a piece of equipment that’s required to perform their jobs appropriately. Their appearance, their uniform – black suit, casual, or uninformed is the reflection of their professionalism, their dedication towards their job. Thus, making it a vital part of the evaluation.

It is, in fact, so important that Texas state law outlines the following requirements to be met visibly on the outermost layer of any private security guard’s uniform:

  1. The presence of a badge, with the word “Security.”
  2. The guard’s nameplate.
  3. The company patch.

2. Punctuality

Criminals are always on the lookout for opportunities to commit crimes & create chaos. They might as well be counting on your private security guards to be late even by 5 minutes. Which, in that case, makes this aspect far more important than others to consider for evaluating the performance of the private security guards to be on a security patrol. Also because it’s that aspect which is responsible for the high productivity of the guards.

To ensure that Plaza Protection’s private security guards are always on time, they are notified of the schedules beforehand on their guard mobile app. Any changes in it are also immediately brought to their notice, so they never miss a security patrol. The open shift feature further allows them to pick and choose the shifts they want to work to eliminate every scope of them not showing up, showing up late on-site, or trying to sneak out early.

3. Attitude

Private security guards have to work in different environments to meet the unique requirements of the clients. True, isn’t it? Well, in that case, private security guards with a positive attitude can play a vital role in accomplishing tasks proactively. Security managers of security guard companies usually measure it by considering the following factors which can also be used by you to evaluate the performance of guards on a security patrol.

The factors are as follows:

  • Private security guard’s self-image & opinion of others.
  • Their sense of responsibility.
  • Their ability to accept criticism & admit mistakes.
  • Whether they are prone to complaining or not?
  • Do they adhere to all policies, orders, & regulations imposed by you?

In addition to these factors, viewing their guard tour reports, time logs, & time card entries can provide valuable insight to a whole new level. Have you ever tried that?

4. Knowledge

Without extensive knowledge, private security guards can’t do their job appropriately. Which is why they are trained beforehand to become proficient in essential security procedures, for instance, using arms in times of an emergency. But, as a client, you can share the violence history of the post site with the security guard company so that private security guards with the right skills & knowledge are assigned to your post-sites.

Specific things that can be evaluated based on the knowledge of private security guards on a security patrol includes:

  • How well do they know the emergency plans & operational procedures?
  • When required, how well are they implemented?
  • How well are the guards aware of their surroundings & the property they are protecting?
  • Attention to detail & their ability to identify security violations.
  • The knowledge of de-escalation skills & their implementation.
  • How well do they coordinate with law enforcement agencies?
  • How aware are they of parking rules & regulations?
  • Their knowledge about medical aid/CPR/first aid techniques.

We here at Plaza Protection do it by conducting written tests regularly or using a pre-defined checklist, like the security patrolling checklist for guards you should be aware of, based on the unique requirement of the clients.


5. Reports

Did you know that Plaza Protection’s private security guards are equipped with a guard mobile app that allows sending guard tour reports in real-time? That’s because real-time reporting is the most important aspect of every private security guard’s job. Based on the reports sent by them, managers make the most important decisions from a remote location.  Thus making the accuracy of guard tour reports really matter.

Since they are also made available to you on a secure client portal, accessible from anywhere in the world, you can easily evaluate private security guards’ performance solely on them. Take into consideration their ability to take accurate notes, write clear, detailed, professional, jargon-free, as well as error-free reports. Check for multimedia-files, if they are attached for a better understanding of the situation or not? Also, don’t forget to evaluate them on their ability to use technology effectively.

6. Public Relations

Private security guards act as public relations representatives not only for their security guard company but also for you, the one who has hired the security patrol services. Hence, you can evaluate their performance based on several factors that include:

  • Their behavior with the people they’re interacting with.
  • If they are cooperating with the people around them?
  • Their efficiency in visitor check-in & out.
  • Their ability to guide the visitors through the building.
  • Their ability to communicate effectively & work within a team.
  • Handling incidents & irate people on-site, as it’s their core responsibility.
  • The number of complaints or negative reports from the people on-site.
  • And, last but not least, self-control.

7. Response Time

Not only are the private security guards trained to identify security threats but also how to act fast to take control of the situation while minimizing the impact often caused in the process. It’s one of the reasons why private security guards are hired in the first place. Aren’t they? Which is why their response time should be considered as a part of the evaluation because it is the ultimate measure of efficiency.

To minimize it & to respond appropriately while on a security patrol, private security guards need to coordinate with other guards, managers, & the people on site. If the dispatch center is called for additional help, the guard assigned to the ticket has to provide live status updates of the situation to the dispatcher. He can, in fact, be tracked through GPS by the dispatcher to figure out the exact response time.

When in the middle of a tense situation, private security guards should also know when to get law enforcement involved as all these aspects put together, play a major role in deciding the response time.

Are you also looking for reliable security guard services in the San Francisco Bay Area that can check all these evaluation parameters for the private security guards? If yes, contact us to hire our services today.