Every day, shopping centers are visited by a significant number of people. Some go to purchase things, some go to enjoy a good meal, and some go for other reasons. Regardless of the reason, whenever you visit a shopping center, you may have noticed security guards walking around. Security guards are an integral part of shopping centers. Here are a few of the roles of security guards at shopping centers that they perform to keep operations running seamlessly.

Maintain Order

The security guards at shopping centers know more than just how to get shoppers out of their way. These individuals are trained in crowd control and public safety and spend hours making sure the shopping center is a safe and orderly environment for all of the customers that enter. They do this by ensuring that the public is following the posted rules, identifying and removing those who are violating the rules, and reporting to authority if they see an incident that they feel needs to be handled by law enforcement.

Patrol the Property

Security guards patrol the property on a daily basis. They will patrol the shopping centers during business hours as well as when it is closed. From the exterior of the shopping center to the internal property, they check everything. Security guards are there to keep an eye on the place and make sure that everything is in order. Whenever there are unexpected challenges, they are ready to take necessary actions. Security personnel will also ensure that every person who enters the property is in the right place and pay close attention to people who are not supposed to be on the property.

Promote Safety

Shopping center guards are responsible for ensuring that all shoppers and employees are safe. Everyone will have a sense of safety with their presence around them. They can handle unsafe situations with appropriate measures and patrol the property to detect unsafe behavior. During busy times, security guards can maintain and direct traffic. All these will help to promote safety within the shopping centers.

Monitor Surveillance Equipment

Some of the duties of a security guard include monitoring the video surveillance equipment, which includes remote viewing, as well as making sure it is working properly. Security guards are trained to look for potential security breaches and issues. They also ensure the proper functioning of equipment, and if any issue arises, they address it.

Monitoring the CCTV cameras in a shopping center helps to identify criminals and collect evidence needed for cases.

Emergency Response

Shopping center security guards are trained to provide rapid and appropriate responses to any type of emergency. This can include stopping a rush or disorderly group or administering medical treatment to someone who is injured or sick.

They can also use training and detailed knowledge in various emergency responses while waiting for the first responders to arrive. Security guards can also guide guests to exit and help in evacuation in the event of a major emergency such as a fire.

Write Reports

Shopping center security guards write reports of any irregularities or potential security breaches, which helps to prevent damage, loss, and safety concerns. An accurate and detailed report of any security breach and other irregularities can be useful for law enforcement.

Serve As Parking Lot Security

Parking lots and garages of shopping centers are considered high-risk areas for crime. Security guards can help deter such crime by identifying and preventing issues such as theft from vehicles, kidnapping, vandalism, assault, dangerous driving, and lighting and visibility problems.

Customer Service

While customer service is not the primary function of mall security guards, they can help customers with general queries about the shopping mall operations and layout. This can improve the overall shopping experience for the customer and the mall’s reputation.

Reach Out To Plaza Protection

Plaza Protection specializes in providing premium security services to shopping centers. We will create custom security programs to match the unique needs of your shopping center and provide a team of trained and selected security guards to ensure top-notch protection. Contact Plaza Protection Today.