A single security vulnerability is all it takes for a criminal to leave a mark on your construction site. If you are a construction project manager or a site manager, it’s up to you to take the right precaution and safeguard your workplace from unnecessary security risks. But before that, being aware of the potential construction site security risks will help you create custom security programs to ensure you keep your construction site safe, as well as protect yourself and your employees from unnecessary security threats.

Lack Of Security Policies And Processes

Theft prevention on construction sites starts the moment the site managers are honest about how their habits contribute to risk on site. Failure to clearly draft anti-theft policies and processes and distribute them among all on-site personnel is one among them. Others include the lack of daily records and neglecting to nominate a team member to monitor the use of any keys. This sends a lax security message that needs your immediate attention.

Neglecting Video Surveillance

Neglecting video surveillance is known to do more damage than good in construction site theft prevention. However, the problem with it is that many site managers feel it’s expensive. On the contrary, modern video surveillance is super affordable, capable, tough, and can be easily monitored by security guards 24/7. It can further save time and money by thwarting thieves and helping the security guards quickly alert the authorities.

CCTVs Not Positioned For Max Visibility

Do you know that many construction site thefts are perpetrated by the people who work there that often video surveillance helps reveal and prevent? Though installing security cameras is no guarantee of optimum impact, the key lies in positioning them for maximum visibility. That includes both in the sense of what they can see and how clearly criminals can see them. Poor sightline only limits the effectiveness and encourages criminals.

Lack Of Security Guard Presence

Local police have a whole community to monitor and, at best, offer occasional assistance after the theft. Therefore, construction site security can be addressed by hiring security guards since they can patrol your construction site’s perimeter and interior. Dedicated security guards are an excellent deterrent to thieves and a powerful way to control a volatile situation. The presence of them alone augments even the best video surveillance.

Letting Thieves Dictate Your Schedules

Protecting the tools and equipment on the construction site that gets the job done is what keeps a site operational. Losing even the smallest of items can lead to a delay in production, and that’s before considering how heavy equipment can bring construction to halt. Having insufficient surveillance and security guards on-site means stopping and starting on the whims of thieves, and that is a sure way of running your reputation.

Utilizing Unregistered Equipment

Failing to register and secure your construction equipment is the biggest mistake you can make. Though this construction site security tactic may not sound theft-proof, it dramatically increases the chance of recovering stolen equipment. Today, a lot of companies are focused on helping construction sites register their heavy equipment, enabling law enforcement to recover stolen items easily.

Further, you can also secure the equipment on-site by simply adding locks to the wheels and activating alarms when not in use.

Lack Of Perimeter Security

Perimeter security is a well-thought-out physical barrier installed around the entire construction site. Its whole purpose is to make it very difficult, if not impossible for anyone to trespass the site. If your construction site security lacks this aspect, this security measure must be introduced with a plan designed to protect your equipment, resources, and any other asset within the construction site.

Failure In Communication On-Site

Not all supervisors are natural communicators, even if they can ensure a job gets done well. Sometimes they lack the skills required to provide clear and effective communication on essential safety issues. That at times can lead to failure in communication and there is nothing more hazardous than this in a workplace overall and down the road.

Having planned construction site security is the ultimate deterrent to anyone thinking they can vandalize or steal from a construction site. How do you plan to take care of the worst-case scenarios on your site? If you are looking for a dedicated security guard service in the San Francisco Bay Area, hire Plaza Protection with over a decade of experience in construction site security.