There is no organization that’s not vulnerable to security threats. Which is why risk control measures are established to reduce the risk and prevent incidents from occurring. But, security guard incident reports further provides a deeper understanding as to why they happen and what’s lacking that can be improved. 

Here are more reasons for you to understand why security guard incident reports are vital.

Creates Awareness 

Do you want a heads up on the lurking dangers? Security guard incident reports are a great way to bring potential threats or hazards to the limelight. It also helps both the security guard company and its clients know how and why incidents occur, spot the threats, and prepare themselves with procedures to mitigate the risks.

Get Insight Into Incident Trends

Security guard incident reports are a one-stop solution that offers every dedicated security guard company a way to track patterns, realize trends, and discover anomalies. This allows us to make informed decisions about where best to make changes and apply safety management resources efficiently.

Encourage Data-Driven Actions

The thing about security guard incident reports is that they are built to encourage data-driven decisions. With all the crucial data made available via them, they highlight dangerous actions that may cause harm and act as a reminder to everyone in the business to follow proper safety measures. Thereby discouraging any action that might be dangerous.

Encourage Improvement

With the security guard incident reports, you can easily figure out the areas that need to be taken care of in your organization. Our customized incident reports help you assess your needs and accordingly aid in creating and implementing new policies to make the needed improvements in the security of your organization.

Increase Communication

It’s true that most incidents within an organization occur due to bad communication. Which is why having detailed and accurate security guard incident reports can help minimize the risk. Whereas Plaza Protection’s client portal enables you too to access every report shared by the security guards. 

While our dispatchers, using the patrol management system, communicate in real-time in the event of an incident with the security guards assigned to mitigate the situation.

Have A Formal Record

Security guard incident reports when completed and kept as record acts as a piece of evidence. Evidence of the fact of what actually happened and what actions were taken to mitigate it. Using it, the security guard company, you, and your employees can protect yourself from undue lawsuits. Without it, there isn’t much you can provide in defense if ever needed.

Help Prevent Recurrences

There are no incidents that anyone on their premises would want to happen again. The simple act of having the incident reported helps everyone stop, think, and review it. This increases the likelihood that repeating failures will be highlighted and further corrected before they turn into serious incidents. 


There are multiple things that contribute to the importance of security guard incident reports. We’ve jotted down a few for you to start investing in it if you haven’t yet. 

From creating awareness to preventing incidents from reoccurring is more crucial than ever. If you are not convinced, ask yourself why it is an important toy and what’s the most effective way to get started.