Regardless of size and type, commercial buildings are vulnerable to several security concerns. They may not only risk the lives of your employees and visitors but also damage the infrastructure & the reputation of your business. Therefore, hiring front desk security guards from a reliable security guard company is vital to deal with it all effectively. If you’re still not convinced, take a look at the common commercial building problems that front desk security guards can help resolve.

Enhance Your First Impression

First impressions are vital. Hiring the right front desk security guards to welcome & guide your visitor can create a positive and long-lasting impression. Their mere presence can ensure the security of your commercial building and its surrounding from unauthorized entry to keep anti-social elements away.

Improve Visitor Management

Managing visitors is one of the crucial problems faced by commercial buildings. The reason behind it is often using paper logs for visitor management. Instead, hiring front desk security guards equipped with the visitor management technology from a reliable security guard company to quickly, efficiently, and accurately process visitors can solve this problem effectively. 

A visitor management system is far more accurate & secure than the old fashioned logs. It’s built to significantly reduce the cumbersome & time-consuming process of check-in/out. Plaza Protection’s system further takes it to another level by letting the front desk security guards capture visitor & vehicle details from a mobile patrol app.

Front desk security guard duties also involve:

  1. Verifying visitor identity.
  2. Determining if they have a valid reason to visit.
  3. Screening them for contraband.
  4. Controlling access from the lobby to other areas of the building.

Provide Full Documentation

Documentation of every important thing happening on a client site is one of the most vital front desk security guard duties. They are expected to log, track, manage, as well as escalate security incidents to people with appropriate skills and management responsibility if required. 

The technology that Plaza Protection front desk security guards make use of allows them to create multiple custom incident reports right from their mobile patrol app. They can, in fact, attach multiple videos, photos, & audio files for more authenticity and share them with their managers and clients in real-time. 

Visitor Mangement System

Evacuate In Emergency

All commercial buildings are prone to security threats and there may come a time when evacuation may become necessary. In that case, not only established emergency procedures can help but also the front desk security guards can respond to the situation quickly. 

They can provide directions and instructions to employees & visitors to safely exit the building to safety. The front desk security guards are also responsible to notify the other authorities to take control of the situations as soon as possible. Here’s more that private patrol guards can do in times of an emergency.

Improve Communication

The only way for front desk security guards to fulfill their duties is to communicate effectively. It’s clear, courteous communication that can help them serve the client’s needs and also handle tricky situations effectively. Communication is also the key to ensuring they carefully and accurately document each and every incident, as well as the passdown logs to the next guard on duty.

Deal With Suspicious Activities

Your front desk security guards can become the eyes and ears of your commercial building. The reason being they are trained specifically to spot suspicious people, activities, as well as vehicles to keep your property, employees, and visitors safe and secure. 

Also if anyone is exhibiting aggressive or intimidating behavior, with their effective de-escalation techniques they can neutralize the situation. Having them on your front desk can significantly enhance the overall security of your building and prevent it from the next big security threat. And isn’t that what everyone wants?

So, if you’re looking for reliable front desk security guards in the San Francisco Bay Area, Plaza Protection offers highly trained and experienced front desk security services. To know more about it, visit us at or contact us at for more information.