Are you looking for full-time mall security guards with the ability to offer exceptional security guard services? Hire Plaza protection! But if you are wondering as to why you should do that? Our security guards are fully capable of performing a wide variety of duties to avoid property damage or injury to patrons. Furthermore, they are highly trained and hold a valid guard license.

Need more reasons why you need to hire a security guard company like ours for your mall or shopping center, here’s why:

Perform Regular Security Checks And Patrols

Mall security guards are responsible for ensuring the safety of all patrons and employees. They patrol the mall during business hours and also when the mall is closed to observe any signs of disorder and criminal activities, avoid any property damage or injury to people while maintaining lawful behavior.

Maintain A Record Of Any Criminal Activity

A crucial aspect of a mall security guard’s job that is often overlooked is report writing and maintaining a record of daily activities. He should report any irregularities or potential security breaches in order to prevent loss, damage, and safety concerns on priority.

Inspect People And Vehicles At The Entry Point

During busy times, mall security guards assigned to direct traffic and maintain a presence in the parking area ensures the patrons stay safe in every stage of their visit. Plaza Protection’s dedicated mall security guards are equipped with a mobile visitor manager that enables them to check visitors and vehicles in and out, obtain signatures, click photographs if needed, and more.

Monitor Surveillance Equipment

Do you know that not all mall security guards patrol the mall? Some of them are also assigned in the surveillance rooms to monitor surveillance equipment regularly to avoid any technical glitches. This is what ensures minimal to zero damage to patrons, employees, and the property.

Act Lawfully During Emergencies

As a mall security guard, one of their most important tasks is responding to emergencies. And that not only includes notifying patrons of unusual circumstances, providing crowd control, escorting visitors, and staff during an emergency to safety, but also contacting emergency services like law enforcement officers, firefighters, and medical help when needed.

Offer Excellent Customer Service

Although offering excellent customer services might not be considered a primary function, mall security guards do provide customer service to all patrons. They are essential in providing information to patrols and ensuring that each customer has the best experience possible when in the mall.

Inform Violators Of Security Breaches

Mall security guards also need to have a basic understanding of the state’s legal system, so they know how to act and when to act in a given situation, as breaches occur. The most important thing of all, despite the breach, is being able to treat everyone involved with respect and dignity.

If you are looking for a reliable security guard company that offers dedicated mall security guard services in the San Francisco Bay Area, contact or request Plaza Protection for a free quote. With over a decade of experience, we offer security guard services tailored to our client’s needs.