Employee theft is real, as real as the outside threats like shoplifting, trespassing, vandalism, etc. It, in extreme cases, can lead to the failure of businesses. Therefore, implementing strategies to prevent employee theft from occurring within your company must make it to the list of your priorities. They do not need to be invasive or make the employee feel you do not trust them. To get started, here’s the ultimate Plaza Protection guide:

Conduct Background Check

One of the first few things you can do to prevent employee theft is to improve your hiring process. Perform a background check on potential employees before you hire them. Look out for unusual behaviours. This step does seem like a daunting task but doesn’t have to be complicated.

Install Security Cameras

Improving your security measures can make stealing more difficult. One way to do it is by installing CCTVs. It helps deter potential employees from even attempting to steal and instead encourages them to be more productive. Remember to position the cameras to monitor break rooms, stock rooms, isolated areas, and cash registers of the workplace.

Hire Security Guard Services

In addition to installing CCTVs, hiring security guard services is the next big step to preventing employee theft. The security guards on foot patrol can help restrict access to sensitive areas. They can closely monitor the employees along with visitors to keep the business running as smoothly as possible.

Create Anti-Theft Policies

The next crucial step in preventing employee theft lies in creating clear, well-written, and comprehensive anti-theft policies. Make sure your workplace policies on anti-theft are strong and communicated widely. Also explain how difficult it will be to get away with anything. This will help deter any thoughts or plans that the employees will have to steal from you.

Practice Proper Record Keeping 

Next, employee theft often occurs because there are opportunities for the staff to exploit. One way to minimize those loopholes is by practicing good record keeping. To do that, ensure not one person alone does it all and perform routine financial audits.

Cultivate A Positive Work Environment

Creating a work atmosphere that promotes honesty is crucial. Working in such an environment helps them have a clear understanding of the company’s code of conduct. This can further be accomplished by holding training and actively involving the employees in group activities that focus on best practices. Eventually, the employees who feel valued, heard, and appreciated are the ones who take more pride in their work and stay loyal to their employer. 

To further protect your business, know the warning signs of employee theft. Read how to detect employee theft, another Plaza Protection’s ultimate guide.

Plaza Protection: Hire Dedicated Security Guard Services

If you are looking for a dedicated security guard company in the San Francisco Bay Area with trained and experienced security guards, hire Plaza Protection. We are the leading security guard services provider dedicated to delivering services customized to your needs. To know more, visit us at plazaprotection.com or contact us today.