Plaza Protection Benefits: Why Choose Us?
Headquartered in San Jose, CA with over 10 years of extensive experience, Plaza Protection provides effective custom security solutions - Dedicated foot patrol, highly effective vehicle patrol, and professional fire watch. We customize our services based on the client’s requirements, specifications, and environment. Our uniformed security guards are professionals with adequate training and extensive experience. They are also available in two different attires - uniformed and casually clothed security guards to meet your security needs. Combining all that together and so much more makes us an expert in providing custom [...]
How Hiring Security Guards Improve The Productivity Of Your Workplace
Feeling safe makes a huge impact on how employees act and work throughout the day. If the crimes are at an all-time high in your neighborhood, your employees might not feel safe when they arrive at work. There might be a variety of other reasons too affecting them in numerous ways. To help reduce the anxiety they might feel constantly throughout the day so they can instead focus on being more productive, you can hire dedicated security guards. Dedicated security guards of a reliable security guard company are trained to [...]
How To Identify You’ve Hired The Wrong Security Guard Company?
Are your security guards not doing the job you hired them to do? Figuring that out without facts can make the situation strenuous. So how do you know if your security guard company is delivering the security guard services you signed up for? What do you need to figure it all out? Here's everything you'll need to know to tell whether you hired the wrong security guard company or not. Untrained Security Guards Security guards are expected to deal with different kinds of deteriorating security situations in an agile way. [...]
Questions You Should Ask Before Hiring Fire Watch Services
Installing fire protection systems has become mandatory in a lot of apartments and buildings to secure them from fire outbreaks. You must already be aware of that, aren’t you? However, when these fire protection systems stop working correctly, one of the most effective options that most business owners have is to hire a security guard company that offers dedicated fire watch services. They have professional fire watch guards that you can rely on anytime the need arises. Here are 8 questions you should start asking while choosing a professional fire [...]
Things To Reconsider Before Renewing A Security Guard Coampny’s Contract
Choosing a security guard company is a challenging task. As a client, you have to take multiple factors into consideration before making the final decision. But when it comes to renewing a security guard company's contract, do you analyze their security guard services and reconsider asking vital questions once again? If not, here is a comprehensive list of questions you should be asking yourself and your security guard company before renewing the contract. Is The Security Guard Company Licensed & Insured? Different states have different requirements to run a dedicated [...]
10 Crucial Business Security Measures To Put In Place Now
When it comes to information systems, many businesses enthusiastically take steps to secure their network and its various components while often overlooking the importance of physical security. Make no mistake, it is as important as ever. All it takes is a well-planned physical security strategy, numerous business security measures, and highly trained security guards prepared to prioritize and implement various security protocols on an everyday basis, ensuring the security of not only your property but also clients and employees isn't compromized. So how do you keep your business safe from different types [...]
Plaza Protection Features: Things That Set Us Apart
Plaza Protection is the leading security guard services provider in the San Francisco Bay Area. We combine the latest technologies and professional security guard training to increase guard performance and accountability. But there’s more to Plaza Protection. There’s more that sets us apart from our competitors. Things That Set Plaza Protection Apart: Because we cater to a broad spectrum of industries with specific security needs, we are committed to helping every client plan, organize, and implement a successful security program customized to their needs at competitive rates. To ensure your [...]
How Plaza Protection Secures Your Premises Using An Efficient Visitor Manager?
Plaza Protection's visitor manager is a powerful solution built to effectively start managing your visitors without worrying about their line queuing up. It is designed to efficiently manage visitors by registering their detailed profiles and visiting information hassle-free. Moreover, increased security and safety are among the main highlights that we incorporate it into our security program of your clients. It is, therefore, one of those crucial things that truly sets our security guard services apart. Makes Managing Visitors Easier Begin with making your visitor management process more efficient with the [...]
FIVE Unavoidable Reasons To Hire A Private Patrol Company Today
If yоu dо nоt have adequate ѕесurіtу and ѕоmеthіng happens tо оnе оf уоur customers whіlе thеу аrе іn уоur еѕtаblіѕhmеnt, your соmраnу could be liable. Whеn you hire a professional private patrol соmраnу, уоu are рrоtесtіng your customers and уоur buѕіnеѕѕ аt the ѕаmе time. Therefore, hiring a private patrol соmраnу іѕ аn іnvеѕtmеnt in the futurе оf уоur business. It gives уоur business a рrоfеѕѕіоnаl look and ѕhоw that аѕ its owner you саrе аbоut the ѕаfеtу оf уоur employees and уоur сuѕtоmеrѕ. FIVE Reasons Why Hiring A [...]
What Is Plaza Protection’s Client Portal & Why Is It Important?
Are you tired of sitting on the sidelines of a security guard operation on your post site? In case yes, not with Plaza Protection’s client portal anymore. Get 24/7 access to real-time metrics of security guard operations being conducted on your premises via a secure login to it. Why Do You Need Plaza Protection's Client Portal? Plaza Protection's client portal is a practical solution designed to build a client relationship with a relentless focus on communication. You can log in to the portal anytime and from anywhere and gain insights [...]
Common Ways Used To Gain Unauthorized Access At Industrial Site
Today, every modern business owner faces a unique security threat at every turn, and unauthorized access is the most common of all. It is considered one of the major risk factors for information compromise. And, the traditional ways once used to eliminate it, pose a greater threat due to various loopholes. Since keys can be stolen and/or copied, badges lost, they can create a security gap that can easily be taken advantage of. So, in this blog, we will go through common ways unauthorized access is gained at industrial sites. [...]