Security Patrolling Checklist For Guards Every Client Should Be Aware Of
Conducting security patrols is one of the most important jobs private security guards have to do on a daily basis. Providing regular reports assure the private patrol company & the client that the private security guards are conducting them properly. However, they are initially trained to check off various things of the security patrolling checklist to provide outstanding private security services. You might already be aware of the attributes you really need in a reliable private patrol company but are you aware of what security patrolling checklist for guards includes? [...]
5 Ways Construction Site Security Guards Deter Vandalism & Boost Security
The damage caused due to vandalism on construction sites is quite significant. Every year it costs construction companies millions of dollars, making it impossible to ignore it altogether. Hiring dedicated construction site security guards, in that case, is one of the best ways possible to deal with it. So don’t just look for reasons to hire uniformed security guards to protect construction sites. Highly trained Plaza Protection construction site security guards available in San Jose, offer different ways to prevent vandalism at your construction site. Those ways are as follows: [...]
4 Things Every Daily Activity Report Should Unquestionably Include
For every security guard company, a daily activity report is one of the most critical parts of every security operation. For a lot of them, it might even be their only way of communicating with the clients, unlike Plaza Protection. Which is why they understand the importance of a well written daily activity report. But do you? To make it easier for you, we have jotted down four things every daily activity report sent to you should unquestionably include that will also allow you to hold your security patrol company [...]
Technological Aspects You Shouldn’t Overlook While Hiring Private Patrol Services
Technology over the past few years has changed everything. Hasn’t it? Ever since the private patrol industry has undergone some major changes too. And as we keep moving forward, they are becoming prominent and widespread. To provide outstanding private patrol services, private patrol companies are embracing the change. But are you? You must be aware of a million reasons why your company should hire a private patrol company. But are you aware of the technical aspects you should not overlook while hiring private patrol services? If not, given below is [...]
How To Separate Performing Private Security Guards From Under-Performing Ones?
Separating high performing private security guards from the under-performing ones is not as complicated as it may sound. But yes, in order to figure it out, you will need to be aware of what to look for in private security guards. So, get ready to know how high performing private security guards stand out & provide excellent private security services. 1. Patrol Actively & Report Efficiently The first and the most important job of every private security guard is to patrol actively and then comes efficient reporting. Based on these [...]
How To Hold Your Security Patrol Company Accountable For On-Site Patrols
Holding your security patrol company accountable for the on-site patrol may not be as simple as it sounds. And, as a security patrol company managing all its security operations without a patrol management system can turn into a nightmare. So, while hiring private security services for your business make sure they are using a patrol management system. It is what will help you hold them accountable for the work they do on your site. But the question, how that can be done still remains unanswered. Well, the security guard client [...]
Professional Vehicle Patrol Security By Plaza Protection
Delivering excellent vehicle patrol security services requires extensive training and experience to perform at optimal levels and be ready to face all kinds of threats. The main job of the vehicle patrol security personnel is to make sure that those inside the building could stay secure and protected. The security guards must stay alert all the time no matter what time of day it is and must firstly identify, investigate, and deal with the approaching threat without causing any damage or disturbance at the property. These are extensive tasks and [...]
Top 5 Reasons Why Your Company Should Hire A Private Patrol Company
Hiring a private patrol соmраnу such as Plaza Protection іѕ аn іnvеѕtmеnt in the futurе оf уоur соmраnу. Hiring a private patrol соmраnу can give уоur оrgаnіzаtіоn a рrоfеѕѕіоnаl lооk, and ѕhоwѕ that аѕ a соmраnу owner, you саrе аbоut the ѕаfеtу оf уоur employees and уоur сuѕtоmеrѕ. Alѕо, іf yоu dо nоt have adequate ѕесurіtу and ѕоmеthіng happens tо оnе оf уоur customers whіlе thеу аrе іn уоur еѕtаblіѕhmеnt, your соmраnу could be liable. Whеn you hire a professional private patrol соmраnу, уоu are рrоtесtіng your сlіеntѕ аnd уоur [...]
Why Should You Choose Unarmed Security Guard For Your Business
Upon first consideration, it may appear that an armed guard provides better service than a uniformed unarmed security guard. But if we dig a little deeper, you will notice that this is not the case. Although your security guard management company may recommend using armed guards, but you need to make an informed decision based on your security needs. Plaza Protection’s unarmed security guard is generally equipped with non-lethal weapons to deter crime and violence, like tasers, batons, and sprays that are effective without being deadly. The choice of security [...]
How Tracking Security Patrol Guards Improves Security Services?
All a client ever wants while hiring professional security guard services is reliability, so it doesn’t lead to a false sense of security. At Plaza Protection it is ensured by constantly keeping eyes on security patrol guards so scheduled patrols are executed without any deviations. Even better, our cutting-edge technology used to track security patrol guards is also used to improve security guard services on every step. Are you wondering how? Scroll below to find out now. 1. Accountability One of the greatest benefits of incorporating a guard tracking software to [...]
What Factors Decide The Number Of Security Patrol Guards You Need?
Deciding the number of security patrol guards you need is quite dependent on numerous factors while hiring private security services for your business. Not being aware of them is absolutely okay. Not everyone is. Which is why here’s your chance to know all about them right here, right now. 1. What Type Is Your Business? Taking the type of business you own into consideration is one of the most important aspects of deciding the number of security patrol guards you will need. Higher the risks, the more the volume of visitors, [...]