How Security Guards Can Help Your Business During COVID-19 Pandemic?
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread, it has spurred an enormous demand for security guards due to the increased risk of criminal activities. So whether you operate a shopping mall, a business organization or a healthcare facility, hiring security guards can assist with situations when immediate security assistance is required. With their job description further expanded, they can help by stepping up to the current challenges. Let’s take a look at different ways security guards can help you & your business during the COVID-19 pandemic: Help Reopen Businesses As [...]
The Ultimate Guide To Hiring Private Security Services For Your Business
Hiring private security services for a business is one of the toughest and the most critical decisions to ever make. There are so many private security guard companies out there to choose from. How do you decide which one is best for your business? The struggle is real, from asking yourself if your business needs security patrol services to hire one or not. Well, that is why just for you, we have created a guide that will help you through this dilemma. Are you ready to get started with the [...]
Skills That Front Desk Security Guards Of A Hotel Can’t Work Without
Front desk receptionists are good, but front desk security guards are better. They help create security barriers by performing the dual role of welcoming & protecting the property and personnel for the price of one. However, in order to do that, the front desk security guards must possess strong interpersonal & communication skills along with various others to serve the guests of the hotel. Given below is a list of common skills you must look for while hiring front desk security guards for your hotel. Vigilant & Proactive Front desk [...]
Trademarks Of An Effective Vehicle Patrol Security Services
When it comes to securing a big property, every client has two options- hire a foot patrol guards or enlist vehicle patrol security. Hiring foot patrol guards can be beneficial, but hiring vehicle patrol security has its own set of benefits for a bigger property - greater coverage and a more noticeable presence. That makes it one of the most reliable forms of protection. Therefore, in this blog, we will discuss the trademarks of effective vehicle patrol security services, ensuring that you make the right decision and get the most [...]
How Private Patrol Services Prevent Unauthorized Access On Your Industrial Site
Today, every modern business owner faces a unique security threat at every turn, and unauthorized access is the most common of all. It is considered as one of the major risk factors for information compromise. And, the traditional ways once used to eliminate it, pose a greater threat due to various loopholes. Since keys can be stolen and/or copied, badges lost, they can create a security gap that can easily be taken advantage of. So, in this blog, we will go through common ways unauthorized access is gained and how private [...]
Roles & Responsibilities Of A Front Desk Security Officer In An Office Building
A welcoming, well-trained, and professional front desk security officer can make a strong first impression in an office building. But that’s not the only reason why this security guard service is often implemented. Hiring the right front desk security officer contributes toward increased building safety, reduced risk liability, criminals deterrence, reduced vandalism and theft, prompt response to alarm & emergencies, and so much more. A front desk security officer does more than providing the first line of defense against any threat. To know more about his role & responsibility in [...]
Why Hiring A Private Patrol Company Today Has Become Mandatory?
Hiring a private patrol соmраnу such as Plaza Protection іѕ аn іnvеѕtmеnt in the futurе оf уоur соmраnу. Hiring a private patrol соmраnу can give уоur company a рrоfеѕѕіоnаl look, and ѕhоwѕ that аѕ a соmраnу owner you саrе аbоut the ѕаfеtу оf уоur employees and уоur сuѕtоmеrѕ. Alѕо, іf yоu dо nоt have adequate ѕесurіtу and ѕоmеthіng happens tо оnе оf уоur customers whіlе thеу аrе іn уоur еѕtаblіѕhmеnt, your соmраnу could be liable. Whеn you hire a professional private patrol соmраnу, уоu are рrоtесtіng your customers and уоur [...]
Different Types Of Plaza Protection Guards You Can Hire For Your Shopping Center
Security guards are an integral part of the functioning of a shopping center. There are various functions that they perform effectively to keep the operations of the shopping center run smoothly and without any problems. This is why Plaza Protection offers a wide range of Plaza Protection guards and security services to enhance the safety of your shopping center in the Bay Area. Security Guards In Three Attires: Uniformed Security Guard No one can ever miss a security guard in a uniform. Therefore, their presence alone acts as both a [...]
Most Unsafe Areas On Your Construction Site That Require Foot Patrol Security?
Construction sites are vulnerable to various security threats due to the presence of valuable equipment and costly building materials. Left in plain sight and more accessible to would-be criminals make those areas of the site most unsafe. Since every construction site has such weak spots, it can cost millions to contractors if left unchecked. So, here we shed some light on those areas that require foot patrol security and other security measures. Entrance & Exit Points Without proper security in place at every entrance & exit of the construction site, [...]
Checklist Of Information You Need Before Hiring Front Desk Guard Services
Looking forward to hiring your first front desk guard services? There are a number of mistakes you can commit by not asking the right questions and pose a serious risk to the security of everyone. To ensure you don’t do that, we have compiled an extensive checklist of information you definitely need to ask your security guard company before hiring front desk security guard services. Checklist You Ought To Follow While Hiring Front Desk Guard Services: Security Needs Before you begin creating a checklist of information for hiring front desk [...]
How To Ensure Your Security Patrol Guard Is Performing Assigned Duties?
Every security patrol guard is expected to always be ready to identify and respond to security threats immediately. In order to do that, they must always remain alert, because the consequence of that can lead to a disaster. They must always remain alert also to carry out their assigned duties on client sites effectively. But how can you as a client figure out if they are working as you would have wanted them to on your post site or not? Thankfully, there are a number of ways that provide in-depth [...]